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Mango Salad

Mango Salad

One of the joys of living in the tropics is the ready access to a large variety of locally grown tropical fruits, especially at various stages of growth or ripeness. The mango is such an example. During mango season, one can enjoy green, semi-ripe, and ripe mangoes. Each type can be enjoyed in many different ways. In my previous post, I featured a Green Mango Coconut Chutney. This time, I am using semi-ripe mangoes.

Semi-ripe mangoes are at the halfway stage where they are not as tart as green mangoes and not as soft and sweet as ripe mangoes. They display a nice balance of sweetness, tartness, and crunchiness. A simple way of enjoying them is by dipping mango slices in a mixture of sea salt and chilies (chili powder, chili paste, or chopped fresh chilies).

Semi-ripe mangoes are great in salads, as illustrated in the presently featured Mango Salad. This simple salad contains a mixture of semi-ripe mangoes, onions, mint, chilies, salt, pepper, lemon juice, olive oil, and pomegranate molasses. It is a delicious, refreshing salad that would enliven any meal.

Mango Salad

Makes about 800 mL


4 mangoes, peeled

1 onion, peeled, thinly sliced

10 — 12 mint leaves, thinly sliced

2 — 3 small green or red chilies, chopped

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

juice of 1 lemon

1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons pomegranate molasses


Cut the mango flesh away from the mango seed. Dice the mango flesh in 1.5-cm pieces. Place in a large bowl.

Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.

Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator.

Muscovado Cream Cheese Sugar Cookies

Muscovado Cream Cheese Sugar Cookies

Green Mango Coconut Chutney

Green Mango Coconut Chutney