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Peanut Sultana Energy Balls

Peanut Sultana Energy Balls

In the mood for a quick and easy-to-prepare snack? Look no further. These Peanut Sultana Energy Balls can be whipped up in a jiffy. For these energy balls, I used roasted peanuts, sultanas (golden raisins), toasted rolled oats, desiccated coconut, and homemade vanilla star fruit syrup. The star fruit syrup can be substituted with maple syrup, honey, or any other liquid sweetener of your choice.

These make a thoroughly addictive sweet-salty, nutty treat.

Peanut Sultana Energy Balls

Makes about 18 balls


140 g roasted peanuts

140 g sultanas

90 g toasted rolled oats

50 g desiccated coconut

1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt

3 tablespoons vanilla star fruit syrup or liquid sweetener of your choice


Place the dry ingredients in a food processor and grind finely.

Transfer the contents into a bowl. Add the vanilla star fruit syrup. Mix well.

With wet hands, grab a handful of the mixture and shape into balls.

Store in an airtight container.



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